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The First YearBlogContributors

So Many Mountains

I don’t know if you’re like me, but I have so many projects scattered throughout the house that are waiting on me. I have half-completed or almost-completed projects as well. I’ve never thought of myself as a procrastinator, but since my husband’s passing, I have found it difficult to find motivation to do things I once found so easy not long ago. I’m not exactly…
Guest Author
April 24, 2018
BlogContributorsThe First Year

Close to Death

Have you ever thought about your mortality? I don’t mean the normal “I’m going to die someday.” Everyone thinks about that from time to time. I mean actually sit down and process that you may not be here in 5 minutes. 5 days. 5 weeks. 5 months. 5 years. And because of that realization, you try and focus on what’s important in life. The things…
Guest Author
April 23, 2018
BlogMessage In A Bottle

The Treasure Chest

A friend asked me the other day. Do I still feel grief when I write these letters to you. And I said yes I feel it. But not in the way most people think. I feel loss deeply. But not just for one person, experience, moment. But many. I write from this infinite place of loss every week. It is a treasure chest. A place…
April 20, 2018
BlogContributorsThe First Year

Advice For New Grievers

It sucks that I know so much about grief, but I figured my knowledge may come in handy for those who just lost someone for the first time ever. I still remember life before a loss, so I know how frightening and lonely those early days, weeks, months and years are. So this is some advice I’d like to pass on to new grievers, you…
Guest Author
April 19, 2018
The First YearBlogContributors


We often associate firsts with our children growing up such as first smile, first time sitting up, first words, those anticipated first steps, first day of school, but when you have lost a loved one, you associate firsts differently.   Getting through the first holidays, birthdays, anniversary, etc. The first year after my husband passed away, I was faced with lots of firsts, one right…
Guest Author
April 18, 2018
BlogContributorsThe First Year

I Believe

I believe in love. I believe that love enriches and empowers and creates and morphs mere humans into magnificent beings. I believe that life dares us and bids us, at our best and our worst, to open our hearts to love. I believe that life challenges us, through strife and perplexity and awkwardness, to continue loving in the face of all that it throws at…
Guest Author
April 17, 2018
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