Most Recent Letters

BlogMessage In A Bottle

20 Years Later

It was a cold and snowy afternoon in 2003.  I can still remember my black winter boots emerging from the snow as I was putting one foot in front of the other walking towards the doctor’s office with Bjarne.  Our life was about to change forever.  Although he was only 31, we were just about to find out, he had stage 4 colon cancer.  In…
June 18, 2024
BlogMessage In A Bottle

Don’t Tell Them What They Want To Hear

In a society where everyone may be concealing their genuine feelings, we either romanticize others and believe the superficial nature of our interactions, or we confront the truth about the camouflaged reality we are exposed to on a regular basis.  The wall we frequently hear about that sits in front of others or even ourselves is real.  We've gotten so used to operating with semi-true…
June 6, 2024
BlogMessage In A Bottle


Sometimes, a profound sense of self-awareness offers glimpses into your destiny and the path ahead.  Your intuition, your gut feeling, may hint at what the future holds, but the full picture remains hidden in the present moment.  Yet, you question the knowledge you possess about the future.  You find it hard to trust it.  You may even give more weight to external perspectives from friends,…
May 21, 2024
BlogMessage In A Bottle

This is Your Play, You Get to Choose the Scenes of Your Life

I am feeling fired up. Ready to not only share the book but live it fully.  In every way. With everyone. And in everything.  What does that really mean, you might be asking.  What does living the book look like? If you were able to look in every corner of your life which includes, conversations with friends, family, strangers, gatherings in social settings, and even…
May 14, 2024
BlogMessage In A Bottle

I No Longer Want to Work Hard to Be Good

Sometimes we wake up in the morning and we just want to rebel against everything we have ever been taught. Other times, we just put our heads down and do whatever we are expected to do.  Most people feel trapped in a thousand ways. But somehow the invisibility of this modern-day trap moves us into putting our heads down and getting things we are expected…
May 7, 2024
BlogMessage In A Bottle

Share Yourself

The world loses part of its terror when we tell another person about the things that upset us.  When we do that our world evolves. It changes into a more habitable form.  Consider this: Every time you muster the courage to share your feelings with the right person, you extend the period you feel truly alive. It is almost like a feeling of resurrection because…
April 30, 2024
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