I like starting from nothing.

I love to start from very little.

Rock bottom is actually an inspiring place for me.

I have nothing to lose when I am there.

I can make my own rules.

I can redefine my dreams.

I can look insane from the outside and not care about what others think of me.

It is one of the most life changing places I have ever been to.

I believe with all my heart that rock bottom is the real playground of life reentry.

Rock bottom is our arena for change.

Rock bottom is where a lot of giants, leaders, change makers were born.

It is the place in history that battles were fought.

It is your place now to make change.

Use your rock bottom to talk to yourself for the first time.

Whisper the truth as you are kneeling there.

Truth is also very clear at rock bottom central.

There is a feeling that I always found hard to articulate, but the word liberation comes to mind when I try to describe how it feels to be there.

The self starts to get furious at the present life conditions and it wants to do something about it.

The self becomes rebellious in the most exhausting physical state.

It can even enter a flow state where you are not even trying.

You are just able to get back up out and start the journey.

In this message I want to help you not be afraid of your rock bottom state – you are actually in a place of power to change your life.

You are actually in a place of advantage.

How so?

When you have nothing to lose, when you have nothing to prove, and when you let go and surrender to the tears, to your actual floor on the ground and to the fact that you can’t change anything…

You detach from it all.

You let it go.

You start to live from a new vantage point.

This new vantage point has the power to change your life.

If you are at your rock bottom and want to step into this new vantage point here is how to start.

  1. Know that rock bottom is not a place where you can stay or want to stay. It is the final ground, the final frontier before your life starts to change. It is a place of awakening. A place of recovery from the fall. A place where the noise of the world is lessened, and you finally get to hear your own truth.
  2. You start to listen to yourself at the rock bottom. You start to tune out all the other voices from the world above, and slowly tune in to your own sound. This person within knows you the best. The truth lies there. The truth is by your side at rock bottom. Grab on to it, and never let it go. Your truth is probably simple, and you recognize it as soon as you hear it speak to you. Now feel the presence of your destiny show up in that moment.
  3. When you have nothing to lose you make different decisions. You choose another road to start walking on. This road is not made of fear or pressure from the outside world. This road is about your truth and what you want. It is easier to step on there because you have already lost everything. Expectations are low. And you are no longer proving anything to anyone.
  4. You have a new perspective about yourself and about life. Your loss, your grief and your sorrows have made you stronger. Yes they got you to rock bottom, but they are the ones that are leading the way in this new path you are on.
  5. As you look back rock bottom is becoming the place where your life changed. It is becoming a place where you found your truth, your resilience and your liberation from the world’s expectations of you.

Never underestimate your powers when you have nothing to lose. (Click to Tweet!)

It is on those moments that you are the most powerful and able to start again.

With love,


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Christina Rasmussen is an author, speaker and social entrepreneur who believes that grief is an evolutionary experience required for launching a life of adventure and creative accomplishment.

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  • Lolo says:

    Thank you so much. Inspiring!

  • Christina,

    I really love this post. Many points you make ring so true for me.

    For numerous reasons, as you know, I lost my power for quite a while after my mother’s death, My Bittersweet Last Year with Mom, my needing to move for the fifth time in a couple of years, processing the massive abuse, needing time to heal and rebound, etc.

    But, you’re so right — in that rock-bottom slump, I’ve been finding tremendous power and perspective to break out in a way I never have.

    I’ve also been finding that in that rock-bottom place, I’ve been remarkably productive, prolific and creative and using my lessons into words so I can ultimately help others.

    Thanks again for this insightful post.

    When I’m fully back in my power, I look forward to having you on my Gab with the Gurus Show.

    Gratefully, Connie

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